Adventure Yoga

Are you like us?

Do you also love to be active and explore nature and connect deeply with yourself through yoga and meditation?
In this retreat you don’t have to choose, for we will weave yoga and meditation throughout our days while exploring Bali.
Embark on a multi-day biking Adventure Retreat where the days flow in a combination of daily yoga, qigong and meditation, a waterfall trek, delicious food and a chance to see Bali beyond the tourist streets.
All of this with overnight stays in three different locations so you get to experience all the wonderful facets of Bali - inland, mountain and coast.


  • Day 1

  • Day 2

  • Day 3

  • Day 4

  • Day 5

  • Day 6

  • Day 7

  • Day One

    We’ll meet together in the village of Penestanen Kaja, just out of Ubud, at our unique Yoga Shala, Under The Banyan Tree. The huge tree which enfolds the Shala gives an especially organic quality to our first Yoga class together - a gentle grounding and heart-opening session.

    We walk a short way over to our Bamboo House, the house with no walls, which is surrounded by rice paddies and views of both Batu Karu and Agung sacred mountains. Lunch is served with the peaceful and soothing sounds of the breeze, ducks and frogs in the rice fields. Together we discuss in detail the 9 day adventure that is about to unfold!

  • Day Two

    We begin the day with yoga in the shala, to set a heartful intention for the day.

    Today our journey will take you through the world-famous rice paddies of Tegalalang. But instead of joining the pack to see them from a tourist viewpoint, we will be cycling along pathways right through these incredible fields, and on the way gaining insight into the complex and millennia-old irrigation system called subak. We will take a break at the traditional village of Sebatu, or Stone Rock, where we will make our way down the steps to enter Pura Dalem Pingit, the holy water and purification temple.

    If you wish, we will guide you through the ritual of purification in this holy natural spring water (Melukat). The Balinese believe that water is one of life's forces and therefore has great healing effects and can bestow blessings if acknowledged prayerfully.

    After the Melukat, Wayan invites us to her small warung where we sit, seeming to float in the jungle, and are served fresh juice made from organic, locally-grown tropical fruits.

    After lunch we go back to Ubud, where you can spend the early afternoon as you wish.

    In the late afternoon we will return to our bodies with a grounding yoga class. To practice to stay centered in the midst of all these new experiences helps us to fully appreciate them!

    In the evening we meet in a sacred circle Under the Banyan tree. Here, with full appreciation and attention we will listen to each other's stories, memories and impressions of the day.

  • Day Three

    Today’s journey starts from the heights, where you take in the far-reaching views of the surrounding landscape to the sounds of the Sangeh river passing by. We then enter a traditional Balinese village, briefly visiting Gusti, a friend, local villager and woodcarver whose family heritage in woodcarving goes back many generations.

    From there, we follow the winding roads through the expansive rice paddies to Subak Gaga, which is a living example of an ancient water irrigation system for the rice terraces. Very soon you’ll reach the dam, where we step down, walk over the river and arrive at the small temple, tucked in under massive coconut trees. Here we sit down for a meditative break.

    Small back roads take us back to Penestanan, where lunch is served at the popular cafe Health Ubud. Then we take a very short bike ride to our friends at Cantika Spa, where you can choose to experience a traditional Balinese massage or any other treatment you would like. What better way to end this adventurous day?

    After this sweet and luxurious self-care experience, you have the afternoon for yourself, resting or exploring Ubud.

  • Day Four

    Start the day by greeting the sun and your body through yoga, revisiting our intentions.

    We leave the Ubud area this morning and head north, driving through the lush inland landscapes and arriving at the 3 sacred lakes - Danau Beratan, Danau Buyan and Danau Tamblingan. Once at Sri Giri Mountain cottage we get ready for our next adventure, a hike to out of the ordinary places, discovering natural untouched scenes and hidden waterfalls on the way. Passing through lush green jungle, clove and coffee plantations, discovering tropical fruits in their natural habitat, visiting hidden caves and then --- immersing ourselves into the exhilarating rush of endless waterfalls. We take time to have breaks, swim in the natural pools, wade through small river crossings, shower under the pure spring water, whilst listening to the sounds of crickets and birds, and the whispering of the wind through the trees.

    And the best way to bring the day to a close? A change of clothes, a beautifully prepared meal and amazing views out over the jungle. Tonight we will stay at the cozy mountain cottage Giri Wood, which has a view overlooking the jungle. On a clear evening, you can see all the way to the northern coastline.

    This afternoon we will have a qigong class.

    In the evening, we meet by the fire and enjoy a home cooked meal, prepared using freshly picked vegetables from the mountain area.

  • Day Five

    Up here in the mountains the mornings will have a pleasant chill in the air which will clear our heads as we practice qigong and meditation before breakfast. We will be on a terrace overlooking the lush tropical forest (if weather allows)..

    We start the day by just free-wheeling down the hill, arriving at the Tropical Fruit market, where we’ll taste all the exotic fruits. If you like, you might see some souvenirs that you would like to bring home. ( just remember to bargain )

    Today’s ride can be summarized as breathtaking views of rice terraces unfolding from the foot of the mountain to the coast. We’ll pass traditional rice terraces, recognized by UNESCO and placed on the world heritage listing.

    We break for lunch in the Jatiluwih Valley, exploring the traditional rice terraces. Jatiluwih is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site due to maintaining its cultural heritage, in the form of the traditional water irrigation system called SUBAK. The name says it all; Jati means really and Luwih special, good, and beautiful, the terraces are truly unique even for Bali. The site is also famous for its organic agricultural system on the plateau of Batukaru Mountain. Some uphill pedalling has its reward in amazing views, and easy cruising through villages and rice fields on gentle downhill slopes. With sacred volcanoes behind us we are greeted by farmers as we see their day to day lives on the mountain slopes. We follow the rivers downstream, rivers that are fed by the waterfalls and end up in the ocean. As we get nearer to the coast the landscape changes and we are rewarded with breath-taking views of the ocean.

    We bring this day to a close at the therapeutic natural springs of Yeh Panas.

    Soak your body in cool or hot springs, relax your sore muscles and enjoy a young coconut fresh from the tree.

    From here, we’ll drive to the tiny, remote village in one of the least visited areas of Bali. - Medewi

  • Day Six

    Today we wake up a little way from the famous surf destination of Puri Dajuma in Desa Pekutatan. Here, waiting for you is the clear blue sea, black sandy beach, everything sparkling in the sun. Today we will let our bodies relax. Maybe with a massage, or by relaxing or strolling on the beach, maybe with an ocean or river swim. We will drive you downtown to the small village where you can choose between a variety of cuisines; Indonesian, Asian or Western.

    Afternoon we’ll ride from the heart of Pupuan towards the sacred river Balian. According to the legends it was here that the holy priest Sakti Wawu Rauh arrived around the 15th century. As he found many sick people in the area he decided to use his healing powers, using a wand planted upstream to heal the sick, whom he ordered to bathe downstream. Because of its healing powers the locals called it Balian river, which means shaman or healer. So even today, you see many Balinese burying themselves for healing in the black sand, just at the convergence of the sacred river Balian and the Indian ocean.

    As night falls we meet for our final dinner, served on the beach, with the sound of the waves breaking on the shore and the stars overhead.

  • Day Seven

    Our last morning yoga together.
    Our fabulous adventure together comes to a close after breakfast at the hotel.

    We are happy to make arrangements for your transport to the airport or better still, extend your stay and join the Menjangan island adventure!


    • INLAND
    • UBUD
    • NAYA

    Night: 3 nights

    Ground yourself and feel at home while staying at this cozy retreat center. Only 7 minutes drive away from the center of Ubud, but still fully immersed in the magic and essence of rural Bali. To cool off, step into the infinity pool. The pool is cleansed by an ozone system, which uses 90% less chlorine, giving the water a smooth, velvety texture - much kinder and healthier and less harsh on the environment.


    Night: 1 night

    Built in 2020, this beautiful hotel offers a tranquil hideaway nestled under the lush tropical rainforest at an elevation of 1000 meter. It is hidden in the thick greenery with sweeping views over a dramatic landscape of rice fields draped from the mountain all the way to the coast. The swimming pool overlooking the forest reflects the ever-shifting sky above. You’ll stay in their cozy modern rooms, where you can continue to meditate on the scenery through large windows and open terraces.


    Night: 3 nights

    This comfortable family-run hotel is located on the volcanic black sand beach of Medewi, in north- west Bali. Famous among the surf-community for a place to take first steps to stand on a board with a long left-handed surf break. Stay in their cozy cottages or ambience villas, with a 50 meter long infinity pool plus whirlpool tub, waterfall, slide and a fantastic view of the Medewi point break.


  • We offer a great variety of bike rides and trek during these 9 days together:
  • Day 2 : TEMPLE RIDE with traditional Balinese water ceremony - Bike Ride
  • Day 3 : SOUTH of UBUD - Bike Ride
  • Day 4 : ANGEL’s FALLs Waterfall - Trek
  • Day 5 : JATILUWIH’s HILLS - Bike Ride
  • Day 6 : RIVER RIDE - Bike Ride

If you are wishing to join this MOUNTAIN RETREAT we expect that you are an enthusiastic recreational rider in good health with average fitness!

Much of the time we will be riding downhill; occasionally there are places with more challenging inclines and terrains, but if at any time you wish to be transferred rather than ride we are more than happy to facilitate that.

The support van will always be nearby. We do have ample rest times scheduled into the program. Please let us know if you have injuries or any other health information you need to share with us, for your own comfort and peace of mind.

  • Accommodation according to program
  • All YOGA classes
  • WATERFALL trek
  • All transportation according to program
  • Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner according to program
  • Drinks, Fresh Fruits & Snacks during activities
  • Services of Yatratours guides and support van
  • Entrance fees & Donations
  • Mountainbike - 21 / 24 speed
  • Childrens’ bikes from height 120-140 cm
  • Helmet & Gloves
  • Hike Poles & Waterproof bag


    We are staying at a wonderful glamping site with a natural hot spring pool, heated by the sacred volcano. Views of mountains, lakes and sun rise in the east. If you are an outdoor and adventure lover, you have the best of both worlds! Sleep in a beautifully comfortable bed, surrounded by wilderness and nature. In the morning we guarantee you'll wake up with extra energy!


I had the most amazing experience with Yatra Tours. Bruce and Ingela are the most wonderful hosts. Everything was arranged in such special details and I felt looked after all the way. The trek was so beautiful, we saw many waterfalls, bathed in them, experienced Bali with locals and all done so mindfully and with attention to nature. I recommend it to anybody who’s looking to visit the island and really see it with the eyes of a local. Thank you so much Yatra Tours. I can’t wait to be back and join more of your experiences!

~~ Beatrice Crestini ~~