When did our story begin? Let’s jump into year 1999!
Younger Ingela sat with a huge ATLAS, and when dragging horizontal and vertical lines along the map, her finger finally pointed at a island called BALI That was all she knew, that this would be her next work destination as a guide. Somehow she would learn all the places, roads, tracks, flowers and fauna etc, within a week, so she could hold the mic in a packed bus of eager tourists , wanting to discover Bali After a week of being totally lost, it was time!
Suddenly, the shortest Balinese man with the biggest smile stepped in and said:
My name is Bruce and I will be your local guide
From that moment, Ingela & Bruce travelled with groups all around Bali, either by bus, trekking, bike riding or rafting.
Whenever there was a day off, they went back in nature to find new exciting tracks so they could show more of the true Bali to their guests

Have you ever had that feeling , that there is no other way , than to take those scary steps into the unknown, because there is no other way.
Along the way, you’ll jump over all kinds of fears, challenges, obstacles, emotions of “ What IF!“ It is a bumpy ride and at the same time the most rewarding

This would summarize the year 2009 for us:
Bumps were many, but the desire to create adventurous, joyful treks & rides, with spiritual rituals and show the true wisdom of Bali, made it so worthwhile!
Somehow we made it!
By word of mouth, people started noticing Yatra Tours and discovering the uniqueness of our tours.

For the next two years, Bali suddenly became completely locked in & locked out. Tourists fled the island, and we had two years to deeply contemplate what was really important for us and Yatra Tours. Our values, to share the wisdom of Tri hita Karana remained, but this time we wanted to create something more in the name of Yatra Tours. For over twenty years, we have either worked for other people or with other people. Now! It felt it is time for Yatra Tours to be even more visible. We have had so many secret tours, that we have kept “ up our sleeve * . Now it felt it's time to reveal them and take you on these wonderful experiences with us!

What a joy to stand today next to my Balinese Big brother Bruce, and look back on our journey. We have definitely got older and have a couple more wrinkles, but nothing has stopped us until now. Luckily we have the best team in the world, and they all have the same spirit as us. We will always continue working with other companies, but currently our passion is to put more light on our own journey. We believe they are so unique! Since 1999, we have always been out in nature and finding new tracks that take you to special places. What we are especially excited about are our retreats, where you stay for a couple of nights in nature. Here you have enough time to really sink your feet in Mother Earth.

For over 25 years, Bruce & I have had the honor to share Bali’s wisdom and unique tracks and places with so many people from all around the world, giving us wonderful memories and so much laughter. For the next 25 years, I believe we will guide new adventurers, young and old - the next generation to follow in these steps to create more spiritual adventures all around the world.