When you book with us, you not only get to explore the beautiful island of Bali, but you are also helping us create a more conscious, sustainable and better future.

Why not join us and make a difference in the world?


Indonesia is an archipelagic country with more than 17,000 islands and 95,181 km of coastline. It's home to millions of hectares of mangrove forests that provide essential resources, such as firewood, charcoal, tannin, dyes, food and beverages, medicine, pole and timber. Unfortunately, 71 percent of Indonesian mangrove forests have already been damaged due to the commercialization of fishing and charcoal production and the conversion of mangrove forests into agricultural land, oil palm plantations and fish farms. This is why Yatra Tours has chosen to help protect and restore the mangrove forests in the south of Bali, in the Tahura Ngurah Rai area. For every bike ride booking we make, we donate a mangrove tree and organise planting days where we offer a bag of rice to the local fisherman community and help them plant the trees. This is one of the ways we can help protect the environment and support the local community.


The importance of supporting the environment through the building of new coral reefs cannot be overstated. Coral reefs are home to some of the world’s most diverse and vibrant ecosystems, providing habitats for fish and other marine life, as well as a source of food and protection for countless species. Unfortunately, coral reefs are in rapid decline due to a variety of human activities and environmental disturbances. The good news is that, with the help of conservationists, scientists, and private organisations, there is a lot that can be done to save and restore coral reefs. One method of doing so is to build new coral reefs. This not only helps to restore existing coral reefs, but also allows for the growth and development of new ecosystems and habitats. To aid in the restoration and protection of the coral reefs in Bal, Yatra Tours has implemented a policy of planting a coral in a coral nursery for every waterfall trek booking we make. These corals are placed in special racks for maximum growth.


For many children around the world, the challenge of breaking free from the financial burden their parents carry is a daunting one. Families are often unable to adequately support their children, and this puts an immense strain on them. To address this issue, we have in place a support system for the most vulnerable, including those who have lost their parents, so they can receive an education without the heavy burden of financial stress.


In 2010, we built our playcenter in the traditional Balinese mountain village next to the local elementary school. Our playful education center is stocked with books, drawing pads, skipping ropes, toys, and games - everything a child could want! We believe that experience is the best teacher and make learning fun. We have seen firsthand how our play center has helped the children of the mountain village to improve their knowledge, skills, and confidence. With our play center, the mountain kids can make the most out of their education! They can explore new skills, challenge themselves, and have a blast while discovering something new!

En hälsning från när vi planterade mangroveskog med Yatra Yogaresor i dagarna. Vi stödjer organisationer som arbetar för att bevara och återställa mangroveskogar. Detta bidrar till att hjälpa lokala samhällen, stödja deras välbefinnande och även ekosystemet som helhet. Indonesien har den största mangroveskogen i världen (3,3 miljoner hektar) och Bali har sin egen mest täta mangroveskog: Ngurah Rai Grand Forest Park, i Benoa Bay-området. Mangroveskogar växer i saltvatten runt kustområdena. De spelar en viktig roll för att balansera naturens ekosystem och fungerar som ett viktigt verktyg för biologisk mångfald. De stöder inte bara den naturliga livsmiljön för fiskar, krabbor, hajar och många andra arter, utan de lagrar också mer koldioxid än andra typer av skogar, och fungerar därför som en viktig förebyggande faktor mot klimatförändringar. De fungerar också som skydd mot högvatten och tsunamis för de sårbara kustsamhällena och kan rädda dem från förstörelse. Föroreningar, avskogning och utvecklingsprojekt förstör mangroveskogar och har starka effekter på lokalsamhället, naturen och Balis landskap. Översvämningar, högvatten och efterföljande vatten infiltrationer förstör hem, orsakar förorening av färskvattenkällor och leder till miljöskador. Dessa är bara några av de problem som har en allvarlig inverkan på livet i de balinesiska samhällena.


I cannot wait to be back and discover more whilst empowering the locals and make the world around us a better place.

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Yatra Tours also supports people in the local community and the environment.

~~ Bea Crestini ~~