Place where Goddess Danu Resides,
leaving you mesmerized by her beauty


In Bali, we call a confluence of two rivers “Champuan” Merging, lines blurred to the verge of invisibility, where is there ever a separation? In Balinese culture the meeting of two rivers creates an auspicious sanctuary, where the spiritual power reignite and mind, body, soul to be revived. These places are where water Goddess Danu resides, leaving you mesmerized by her beauty





  • Your day begins with a pick up from your preferred location.

    Travel time to our destination is around 1-1½ hours. That means an early rise and shine so that we arrive at our destination while the air is still cool and the morning mists still hang in the air.

    We will make our first toilet stop closer to the trailhead at our private facility; the Sri Giri Mountain Cottage. After this, all calls of nature will be either using a squat toilet or in the jungle.

    We will enjoy some light breakfast, fresh fruits and locally made food, whilst from the terrace, on one side you overlook the jungle, and from the other you can see on the horizon of Bali’s northern coast. A real spectacle for your eyes, setting up the tone for more to come.

    Any belongings that you don’t need on the trek you can leave in the house, where it’s kept safe and dry, so you can get ready to get wet!

    Once at the trailhead, we’ll have a safety-talk & get ready for an adventurous hike to totally out of the ordinary places, to discover natural and unsoiled spots and hidden waterfalls. Trekking poles will be made available to anyone who is in need.

    We start the trek with a Balinese ritual at the nearby temple and then we set off for the adventure.

  • We begin our journey through rice fields that glow in a hundred shades or more of green, shifting with the cycles of the rice-growing season; fallow, planting, growth and harvest. This northern region of Bali is called Singaraja, which in English, means ‘The Lion King’. Even though actual lions don’t roam these fields, the dramatic coastline with its black sand beaches, tinted from the active volcanoes nearby, could easily be the backdrop for any movie or Broadway mega-spectacle. Lift your gaze to the horizon and you’ll see the hazy line where the ocean merges with the sky. It could be another world; one where water and sky meet, just out of reach.

    Entering the jungle, we come across the first waterfall of the day, with an option to let it wash off anything you no longer need; may it be sweat, mud, or any limiting beliefs. Bring your bathing suit when you visit this place because once you see this magical waterfall, you will be tempted to immediately jump in and let the cool, clean waters embrace you. You may find other intrepid travelers there, splashing directly under the falls. Live in the moment by relaxing near the waterfall, listening to the water flowing, and gazing at the amazing rainbow of colors created by the sunlight as its rays catch the mists.

    With soft steps, we will guide you along the smoothest part of the path through the forest. This place is enchanted, with the locals telling secret stories about the land, the plants, the spirits seen and unseen. Sometimes you may choose to stop and listen. At first the sounds all seem to blur together but then, there it is, the distinct song of a certain bird, high up in the canopy, or perhaps the distinct chirping of the frog’s mating call; perhaps even the sound of the elusive cicadas. The waterfalls come in perfect intervals, as if they were sequenced by some divine hand to emerge from the jungle just when you need a bit of cooling off. Each cataract is a unique environment where the water has made its way through rocks, stones, trees, finding its own dance, its own freedom.

    After our sojourn through a series of falls, we come to our journey’s final destination; a very spiritual place where two rivers converge. You may sit and meditate near this spot for a moment and let the local spirits of the waters, jungle and sky lift your own spirit.

    During the trek we will have plenty of stops to swim and shower in the waterfalls.

    Refreshments will be served during the trek

  • What better way to finish off a fantastic day of exploring than with a change of clothes, a beautifully prepared meal and amazing views overlooking the jungle!

    In all our waterfalls hikes we prepare our food ourselves, which we personally prepare with love and the best ingredients. Many of our ingredients are grown in our own gardens. The reason is that we want to serve our guests not only the tastiest food, but also food that is healthy and goes hand in hand to support nature.

    Giri Putri is a perfect place to relax, with views overlooking the jungle; the ocean at the horizon, crashing onto the shore of northern Bali. We will do our best to return you to your hotel or place of residence sometime between 4 and 5 pm.


This journey is undertaken by foot in areas where there is normally no means of transport available. Brisk trekking through various types of moderate to difficult terrain.Requires an average fitness level.


If you are in Bali and want to see and Feel the real Bali can highly recommend this lovely Goddess and her friends, you will be well taking care of and feel the real jungle Thank you Ingela Goddess for my first durian in Bali and the hiking, looking forward the next adventure

Jolie siveri