is a beautiful quality. It gives us strength; it is the mattress beneath us to soften the blows when it gets tough; it is a knowing very deep within that everything is as it should be.
At the beach from dawn a few are gathered to watch the sun magnificently rise from the ocean - its a daily reconnect with what powers us all. But for 5 days this hasn't happened. Everywhere grey clouds, promising us that other Life-Sustainer rain, but just too thick for even those awesome rays to penetrate. But faith holds fast to that knowing that of course the sun is rising, we just can't see it. The photographers pack up their tripods and sadly return to their hotels, no sunrise today. But wait a moment. In fact there is so much else; beautiful sea birds skimming across the misty pink/grey ocean, fishermen slowly wading out with their nets, the towering majesty of Gunung Agung; When we are not transfixed by the immediately obvious we get to notice so much more, the beauty all around. The senses can come alive with the perfume of early morning incense mingling with the first batch of sugary pastries being baked for breakfasts. Observe and absorb.
Faith gives us a sense of certainty that things do and always will unfold without us having to worry them into existence. That there already exists something greater than ourselves.
And we have faith that the sun WILL rise………………