
Its a funny looking word.
Everyone has opinions, its one of the ways along with excessive interest in and maintenance of how we look and how what we do looks to others, the whole mysterious deal of being human beings that our egos are constantly reinforced. There's no let up.

Unfortunately opinions often, not always, come from a judgemental base. Certainly there are people who can have and share an opinion in the nicest most natural and non-provoking way but egos do get in the way for most people.

Long long ago individual opinions were likely to be the basis for discussion in community get-togethers in order to decide or mediate on important issues. Real people in real groups. With the modern advent of that pretty wonderful tool, the internet, so many aspects of how we live as a society are now grist for everyone's mill - one's personal opinions are now being given world wide credence, the group can include everyone. Anyone can stick their opinion out there and have a discussion on mostly anything they care about.

But check out the 'pin' in opinion. Opinions can pin us like a butterfly to a board; rigidity takes the place of flow, dullness that of brilliance. Opinions can feed our frustrations resulting in online abuse and anger, enveloping us all in its net.

Maybe just sometimes its not even necessary to put forward a comment. Maybe putting forward that comment, that opinion, stirs the pot and helps to create yet another ugly situation, a new drama for people to get worked up about.

Just maybe, as an alternative, to genuinely come from a place where the comment can be seen and felt as just a 'point of view'; this somehow seems more spacious.

What is an opinion anyway? Its just a thought, which may or may not have validity. Our thoughts need to be checked constantly, they can lead us into trouble!

Opinions need an I, (in MY opinion,) and the Other, (she has HER opinion.) Ultimately it divides us, into me and mine, his, and hers, and theirs, that group's, that government's, that religion and on to infinity. On the other hand a point of view already has a softness behind and around it, it assumes that there are others who have this same point of view.

Until humans are aware enough to get on despite differences of opinion, lets not always click on 'comment', or at the very least think really hard before doing so.