Our Yoga Shala

Inspired to learn, eager to study, willing to sacrifice, and blessed by Bali mother’s grace, we built this home and yoga shala under this glorious Tree adjacent to the Vishnu temple. Right away we knew this land was special and it would be an honor and blessing to be here.

All the signs were there for an auspicious beginning and we started the project in 2009. First the house came up, one of the first all natural bamboo and earth houses in the area. It took 1 year to finish, one of the rainiest dry seasons ever! The earth floors were slow to dry but eventually with patience everything came together.

In 2010 due to students request for teacher training, the funding was there for a basic Yoga Shala. It was built in 2 months, just in time for the first one-month course. Very basic and open, no walls, only cement floors and a grass roof, simple and functional. It was a humble beginning but the majesty of the Banyan Tree was felt by all.

How to make a wall that kept the noise and energy of the house separate from the shala? Much thought and time was spent on this and finally a design idea came that was suitable. The stained glass window with Vishnu was a main feature that would add character to the wall and we found an antique wooden door to give a feeling of entering into another landscape. Next year we installed special lighting and custom shelves adding to the functionality and ambience. We felt satisfied with the way things were, however, Bhagavan had further plans!

The next year another Teacher training was invoked and funded an extension of the Shala, including a bathroom, one bedroom (now the reception) and storage area all underneath. A wood floor was added as well as proper steps up the path. It was really taking shape, but needed some separation from the house.

With the renovation of the adjacent temple and all the sounds and changes around we decided to make a custom bamboo wall to give more privacy. As always, the lines reflect the nature around, which is never straight, this wall would reflect the shape of the back wall and now we had a much more contained space. The last addition was to extend the roof and voila! Under The Banyan Tree is as you see it!