Building House In Bali

Recently the first Rupiahs that you all donated were spent. Ingela and Bruce bought some big flat stones, and those are now being made into an outside altar. As manifestation goes from subtle to gross, the altar, prayers and Puja will help birthing the Phoenix- house in the most auspicious way, honouring and blessing all that are involved; you! Much has happened since the day of the fire.

The Goddess of wisdom and creativity Sarasvati, is prevalent in our prayers and thoughts about rebuilding. We are envisioning a beautiful place, honouring of the surroundings, nature and people in many win win win situations. Some really interesting connections have been made and surprising eco-friendly materials are manifesting. It's very inspiring. More on that in the next post!

Our landowners, our Balinese family, performed a truly beautiful ritual in what is left of the house. There we sat on the burnt floor, careful not to fall right trough into the pond... only in Bali (-; We all could feel the depth of prayer and ritual, and while the priest was clearing the energy we could feel any residue of shock and fear dissolve.

I started to get visions of a very peaceful, earthy house, where happiness and Shanti prevails. If you feel inspired to donate (again) or share this post, please do so! We are so thankful to see the donated amount reach 16000 euro, which is almost 45% of the invocation of € 36000