This ride takes you along a legendary and historical ridge, where we'll enjoy the view of epic ricefields, winding roads and the valleys of Campuan. Along the way we'll be passing two rivers, Tukad Yeh Wos Kiwa and Tukad Yeh Wos Tengen.


Ubud is known as 'Bali’s art and culture capital’, combining a vibrant cultural life with cozy cafes and a laid-back atmosphere. Take in all of that and combine it with the bright warm rays of the rising sun. We call it our ‘Surprise Ride’, because every ‘Ridge-Ride’ is so unique. For a start, you never know who you will bump into. Wedding couples, nature and sun lovers, joggers, walkers, yogis, dancers and many more come from all around the world.






This ride is mainly downhill. There will be a few hills here and there but also plenty of flat or downhill slopes. The route takes mainly side tracks to rice fields and urban roads with the occasional short rough patch. Suits a wide range of ages and fitness-levels, as the ride can be designed with a variety of options. A support van is always nearby to assist you in case you prefer to step off or need a break. Suitable for families with children

  • Lunch at ARMA ( Agung Rai Museum of Art)
  • Water, Fresh Fruits & Snacks during bike ride
  • Mountainbike - 21 / 24 speed
  • Childrens’ bikes from height 120-140 cm
  • Services of Yatratours guides
  • Entrance fees & Donations
  • Helmet & Gloves
  • Waterproof bag
  • All transportation from pick-up to drop-off

PICK UP : Your preferred location

Estimated time for bikeride: 3 - 4 hours


Please wear appropriate shoes for your ride. We strongly advise you not to wear flip flops or sandals without restraining straps.

Wear normal fitness and outdoor clothing. This should include a t-shirt or similar that covers the shoulders. It is necessary that shoulders are covered for entering sacred areas.

In case of rain, we will provide rain-coats

Please apply plenty of sunscreen before the ride, we recommend a cap that fits under your helmet and sunglasses to protect your eyes

Please inform your guides of any additional information that you think might affect the ride e.g. allergies, previous injuries etc.

Our guides are experienced, well prepared, and equipped with a basic first aid kit should an accident or injury occur.

In case of more severe injury, we will transport you to the nearest highly qualified hospital which can tend to your needs. Please make sure you have your own personal injury/accident insurance in the event of any severe accident/injury.

Please note: The itinerary may vary slightly as we continuously research and develop each trip. Inclement weather may also necessitate minor alterations.


I want to thank you all so much for this incredible day.
That makes me realise how much I love this island.
I feel really blessed.

~~ Sebastian Ponchou ~~