Rahina Tumpek Landep

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Let me share about BALINESE CULTURE

Rahajeng rahine tumpek landep
Bali is an island that has a thousand temples, traditions and cultures that complement each other and complement the teachings of Hinduism. For Balinese, who are predominantly Hindu, there is a tradition called Tumpek Landep. Tumpek landep is a festival of worship to (Ida Bhatara Sang Hyang Shiva Pasupati) as the god of taksu. Tumpek Landep itself is a series after the Saraswati holiday, where on this day Hindus give thanks for the blessings that have been given by (Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa) in its manifestation as (Ida Bhatara Sang Hyang Pasupati).

Meaning of Tumpek Landep
Tumpek Landep falls every Saniscara/Kliwon Wuku Landep Saturday, so according to the Balinese calendar, this holiday is celebrated every 210 days. The word Tumpek itself comes from "Metu" which means meeting, and "Mpek" which means end, so Tumpek is the day of the meeting of the Panca Wara and Sapta Wara warrants, where Panca Wara is ended by Kliwon and Sapta Wara is endek by Saniscara (Saturday). While Landep itself means sharp or pointed, so from this, some heirlooms that have sharp properties such as keris are also celebrated.